Marketing and
e-commerce consultations

Business and marketing can sometimes feel like a wild beast out of control. But it can be concurred by cool mind.

Is it hard to focus on the marketing
channels that matter?

Good and unique marketing strategy improves customer experience, lead to stronger brand loyalty, and increases revenue. We are experienced with numerous B2B and B2C brands and our goal is to always equip our clients with a plan and the tools for implementation to not only reach and engage the right audience but to drive sales.

We can help your company with:

Consultations on marketing activities, suggestions, and road map
Marketing strategy
Digital sales strategy
Campaign planning
Development planning and coordination
E-commerce consultations
Marketing campaign coordination
Result analysis
Audience research and segmentation

Marketing audit and analysis

Are you in doubt that your company’s
marketing setup is the best?

Not always it is clear what works. Marketing audit and analysis is a great way to point out the strong and weak links of your business setup as well as marketing strategy and implementation so you can move from random success to constant success and growth.

We are experienced and able to offer:

Marketing activity audit
Tools stack and partner audit
Result analysis
Conversion rate optimization
Customer experience improvement

Business strategy and

Do you feel that your business strategy
is not in line with the digital age?

Transformation of business strategy, adapting for new markets and consumer segments should not be painful. Our consultations can help the management to see the big picture as well as develop small scale solutions for different business challenges.

We can provide deep and functional expertise and help to implement best solutions by:

Strategy development and execution
Team management, reporting, resource audit and strategy
Process optimisation
Consumer research
Go-to-market strategy
Marketing resource audit